Feeding our local Healthcare HEROS


That’s why today we were so very happy to prepare and deliver 60 orders of HIWay Grilled Chicken Chopped Chicken Salad to our local Mount Nittany Health System Emergency Room HEROS for lunch.

This was made possible through a partnership with the “Feeding Our Heroes & Supporting Local Restaurants” GoFundMe.  We were more than happy to to provide the lunches at a discounted rate sharing in the cost of the lunch.  We very much appreciate receiving financial support from our local community and the 377 donors (at the time of this post). We’ve been a locally owned and operated business for the past 57 years, and we intend to be here another 57 serving and our community with everyone’s support!

Also, a big thank you goes to Karen Walker & Heddy Kervandjian and their mission.  Please join their efforts to show our healthcare workers on the front lines at Mount Nittany Medical Center how much we appreciate them while supporting local small businesses at the same time! 

To make a donation go to: https://www.gofundme.com/f/feeding-our-heroes-2020 

JP Mills